Starting from:


Hope for the Hurting: Gospel Truths For Grief & Loss

The Bible has a lot to say about the deep depths of sorrow and grief. In this workshop, we will consider the Gospel hope offered to us in the midst of these things. Whether you are grieving, know someone who is, or want to know how to be present for a loved one during a difficult time, this workshop is for you.


What to expect:


During our time together, we will explore the question, “Why would a good God allow suffering?” with an exegetical study of Psalm 31 and the scene we have of Jesus weeping in John 11. We will also discuss what we, as Christians, should do with our grief and how we should respond to our brothers and sisters in Christ who are grieving. 


Finally, we will consider what to do with grieving the loss of an unbeliever and wrap up our time together by celebrating the promise of eternity.  

What you will receive upon purchase:

+ 60+ Minute Video Teaching Led by Elle (video can be streamed via your browser or downloaded directly to your computer) 
+ Interactive Worksheets to Fill Out During the Workshop
+ Access to Spotify Playlist 
+ Downloadable PDF of the Presentation

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." -Romans 15:13